CCD Observation's detail view 1167

CometC/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS)
UserTaras Prystavski
User`s nameTaras Prystavski
Observation's time (UT)2015-09-17 22:02:23
Observation's placeLviv, Ukraine
Comparison stars sourceICQ: MC.But this catalogue hasn`t been submited into database
Mag ErrorNot set
Coma diameter(')&0.8
Tail's length
Coma degree of condensationNot set
Positional angle of tail (°)Not set
Aperture20.3 cm
Telescope focal length (mm)400
Telecope TypeL
Exposure of single frame (sec)30
Phot Region
Software (with version)ICQ: A48. Astrometrica 4.8
Stars ExposureNot set
Photometric-aperture size 0.81
CameraDefined by user: Canon EOS 600D
Chip blooming
Number of images15
Magnitude of the comparison star closest in brightness
Calibration methodsdark-subtracted (and bias-subtracted)
Pixel size width2.2"
Pixel size height2.2"
Light pollution zoneRed
LmNot set
SQM-L in zenithNot set
Observatory code
CommentNot set