Observation catalog of C/2012 F6 (Lemmon)

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There are 318 observations of this comet
UserObservation's time (UT)MagnitudeComa diameter(')CondensationTool 
Wyatt C.2013-02-13 12:28:005.51845B (7x)View Update
Goiato M.2012-11-18 06:59:0011.71.54220L (160x)View Update
Goiato M.2012-12-23 06:59:009.664220L (60x)View Update
Goiato M.2013-01-11 04:00:007.112450B (7x)View Update
Goiato M.2013-01-12 04:00:007.112450B (7x)View Update
Norman N.2013-07-05973.511.4LView Update
Kitayev S.2013-11-06 17:02:00131.5325L (120x)View Update
Wyatt C.2013-01-05 12:43:0081535B (7x)View Update
Wyatt C.2013-01-06 12:28:007.41835B (7x)View Update
Wyatt C.2013-01-22 16:47:007.3935B (7x)View Update