Observation catalog of C/2012 F6 (Lemmon)

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There are 318 observations of this comet
UserObservation's time (UT)MagnitudeComa diameter(')CondensationTool 
Morozov A.2013-07-07 22:00:009.5436B (20x)View Update
Norman N.2013-07-07945.511.4LView Update
Norman N.2013-07-05973.511.4LView Update
Morozov A.2013-07-04 21:00:009.2546B (20x)View Update
Sidorko D.2013-07-04 20:009.13.1725.5L (46.2x)View Update
Guzik P.2013-07-02 22:48:008.9645B (10x)View Update
Morozov A.2013-07-02 20:50:009436B (20x)View Update
Sidorko D.2013-07-01 20:308.84525.5L (46.2x)View Update
Hasubick W.2013-06-17 22:48:009.72.4444L (100x)View Update
Morozov A.2013-06-17 21:45:008.6:636B (20x)View Update