КометаC/2013 US10 (Catalina)
ПользовательRob Kaufman
Имя пользователяRobert Kaufman
Время наблюдения (UT)2015-08-22 11:09:00
Инструмент11.4-cm Newtonian reflector
Место наблюденияBright, Victoria
Звездный каталогTK - Каталог Tycho-2
МетодM - Метод Морриса
Диаметр комы(')8
Длина хвостаНе задан
Степень конденсации комы4
Positional angle of tailНе задан
Шкала Бортля3
Апертура11.4 cm
Focal length (mm)900
Оптическая схема инструментаL - Рефлектор системы Ньютона
Поле зрения (°)1.28
SQM-L в зените
Зона засветкиЗеленая
КомментарийFunny how through the eyepiece it looked nothing like it is currently photographing! Despite the growing moonlight there was a large very faint outer coma that I could make out to about 8' in diameter, a small brighter inner coma and a bright central condensation that was visible in averted vision. The coma appeared elongated roughly to the east and also to the east was a short subtle brightening that was probably the dust tail. But the latter was so indistinct that it was impossible to assign a P.A. with any certainty. Moonlight interference.
Morris Format2015 Aug 22.46 UT: m1=7.4, Dia.=8', DC=4 ...11.4-cm L (42.9x) ...Robert Kaufman (Bright, Victoria, Australia)