Комета | 15P/Finlay |
Пользователь | AHale |
Имя пользователя | Alan Hale |
Время наблюдения (UT) | 2015-01-17 01:55:00 |
Инструмент | 10x50 binoculars |
Место наблюдения | Cloudcroft |
Блеск | 8.2 |
Звездный каталог | NH - Северный полярный ряд (Henden и Kaitchuck, 1982) |
Метод | M - Метод Морриса |
Диаметр комы(') | 5 |
Длина хвоста | Не задан |
Степень конденсации комы | 6/ |
Positional angle of tail | Не задан |
Шкала Бортля | Не задан |
Апертура | 5 cm |
Focal length (mm) | Не задан |
Оптическая схема инструмента | B - Бинокль |
Увеличение | 10 |
Поле зрения (°) | 5.6 |
SQM-L в зените | |
Зона засветки | Синий |
Lm | Не задан |
Комментарий | Indeed, this comet is in a fresh outburst. I had observed it last night, and its overall brightness was similar to what it had been earlier in the month, although there was a very bright, almost starlike central condensation. Tonight the comet is clearly much brighter and larger, and easily visible in 10x50 binoculars; the interior is still bright but not quite as condensed as it was last night. |
Morris Format | 2015 Jan 17.08 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=5', DC=6.5 ...5-cm B (10x) ...Alan Hale (Cloudcroft, U.S.A.) |