Имя пользователяAlan Hale
Время наблюдения (UT)2003-12-27 12:57:00
Инструмент41-cm reflector
Место наблюденияCloudcroft
Звездный каталогNH - Северный полярный ряд (Henden и Kaitchuck, 1982)
Диаметр комы(')<1
Длина хвостаНе задан
Степень конденсации комы8
Positional angle of tailНе задан
Шкала БортляНе задан
Апертура40.64 cm
Focal length (mm)1828.8
Оптическая схема инструментаL - Рефлектор системы Ньютона
Поле зрения (°)0
SQM-L в зените
Зона засветки
LmНе задан
Комментарийlow altitude, fairly bright twilight, probably just the central condensation was seen. My records do not indicate any observations of a tail in 2003, although the comet was in conjunction with the sun, and thus invisible, during the time when I have seen a tail on other returns. I have sent you information on tail observations from 2013; on most returns, when I have seen a tail, it has been short, relatively straight, fairly now, and visible 2-3 weeks before perihelion passage.
Morris Format2003 Dec 27.54 UT: m1=7.5:, Dia.=<1', DC=8 ...40.64-cm L (70.3x) ...Alan Hale (Cloudcroft, U.S.A.)