Observation's detail view

Комета 141P/Machholz
Имя пользователя
Время наблюдения (UT)2015-08-26 11:02:00
Инструмент41-cm reflector
Место наблюденияCloudcroft
Звездный каталогNH - Северный полярный ряд (Henden и Kaitchuck, 1982)
МетодS - Метод Сидгвика
Диаметр комы(')1
Длина хвостаНе задан
Степень конденсации комы1.5
Positional angle of tailНе задан
Шкала БортляНе задан
Focal length (mm)1828.8
Оптическая схема инструментаL - Рефлектор системы Ньютона
Поле зрения (°)0
SQM-L в зените
Зона засветкиСиний
КомментарийI managed to spot this comet this morning visually. My sky conditions were not all that good; even when the somewhat thick cloud that was in that part of the sky cleared out, I had the impression that I was still looking through some very thin clouds, which became apparent after dawn had advanced. The comet appeared “soft,” vague, and diffuse. I detected clear and obvious motion over a half-hour interval.
Morris Format2015 Aug 26.46 UT: m1=12.9:, Dia.=1', DC=1.5 ...40.64-cm L (228.6x) ...Alan Hale (Cloudcroft, U.S.A.)