Observation catalog of C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

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There are 1218 observations of this comet
UserObservation's time (UT)MagnitudeComa diameter(')CondensationTool 
Seargent D.0201-01-06 09:36:005  0View Update
Wyatt C.2014-09-03 17:16:0014.20.5325L (166x)View Update
Wyatt C.2014-09-18 17:45:0012.91325L (83x)View Update
Camilleri P.2014-09-22 18:28:0012.71 40.6L (165x)View Update
Wyatt C.2014-09-23 17:31:0012.71325L (83x)View Update
Camilleri P.2014-09-23 18:28:0012.61 40.6L (165x)View Update
Camilleri P.2014-09-27 18:14:0012.61 40.6L (165x)View Update
Wyatt C.2014-09-30 17:45:0012.12225L (39x)View Update
Camilleri P.2014-09-30 18:14:0012.51 40.6L (165x)View Update
Wyatt C.2014-10-01 17:02:0012.41.7325L (83x)View Update