Observation catalog of 46P/Wirtanen

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There are 172 observations of this comet
UserObservation's time (UT)MagnitudeComa diameter(')CondensationTool 
Goiato M.2007-11-17 23:29:0012.51.54220L (160x)View Update
Černý J.2008-04-07 19:55:0011.52.2330L (100x)View Update
Černý J.2008-05-09 21:50:00121.5330L (100x)View Update
Černý J.2008-04-07 19:55:0011.52.2330L (100x)View Update
Černý J.2008-05-09 21:50:00121.5330L (100x)View Update
Novichonok A.2008-03-22 17:16:00[9.4  6R (35x)View Update
Novichonok A.2008-03-26 18:00:0010.53313L (65x)View Update
Novichonok A.2008-03-29 20:52:0010.63.5313L (65x)View Update
Novichonok A.2008-04-05 21:36:0011:  25.4Y (84.7x)View Update
Meyer M.1997-02-01 18:00:0011.81.5325.4L (104x)View Update